First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Please tell us why you are interested in adopting a dog and what your ideal dog would be like?
Name of the dog you're interested in
What is your primary reason for wanting a dog?
Please list names and ages of everyone in your household, including yourself:
If you have children, please describe their previous experience with dogs. If you are expecting, please also note that here.
Occupation and place of work of everyone in the household:
I work:
At home
In an office
In a dog friendly office
I'm retired
Please select the option that best describes your home:
If you rent, do you have permission to adopt a dog from your landlord?
Haven't asked yet
Not Applicable
Please provide landlord's telephone number. If you don't rent, please write "N/A"
Are there any breed restrictions where you live?
Please select the option that best describes your outdoor space:
Private, fenced yard
Private, unfenced yard
Shared, fenced yard
Private Patio
No outdoor space
What type of fencing do you have? How high at its highest point and how low at its lowest point?
Will your dog be:
Indoor only
Outdoor only
Indoor and outdoor
If indoor/outdoor, please estimate the percentage of time the dog will be indoors and outdoors.
What is your preferred level of activity with the dog?
Very active: hikes, runs, bikes
Moderately active: vigorous walks
Not really active: short walks
Couch Potato
When you are not home, where will your dog be? (Please be specific.)
How many hours will the dog be left alone?
Less than 2 hours
2-3 hours
4-8 hours
8+ hours
8+ hours but I will hire a dog walker or dog sitter
Do you have any pets now? If yes, please list type of animal, breed and age.
Are your pets spayed or neutered? If no, please explain.
Have you ever had a dog before? If yes, for how long? If no, please describe your level of dog experience.
If your dog gets out, which of the following will you do? Check all that apply.
Check local shelters
Put up signs
Put ads in newspapers/Craiglist
Take flyers door to door
Wait, because he/she will come back
What would happen to your pet if you moved?
Please describe your plan if something should happen to you and you could no longer care for your pets.
When your pet is sick or injured, will you be able to pay for medical treatments? Please know that the average cost of vet care in the U.S. is $2,000/year.
Do you already have a family veterinarian? If yes, please provide name and contact information. If no, which vet would you like to take your pet to?
What methods do you plan to use for training? Please be specific.
Will you require your dog to wear a collar and ID tag at all times?
Under what circumstances would you give your dog up?
Is there anything else you would like to tell us? (e.g., why you are interested in this particular pup, why you would be an ideal home for him/her.)